Executive Coaching is an approach to enhancing self-awareness and performance through helping individuals see what is truly possible. It is based on attaining the best version of yourself through the use of open-ended and thought provoking questions. I often say that when coaching is successful, the client has done most of the important work in driving their success forward!

Executive Coaching
In Executive Leadership coaching, I work with you to provide you with knowledge on who you are as a leader (self-awareness of what you bring to the table as a leader), what strengths you bring to leadership, and what blind spots or challenges you might face. Through a process of self-discovery, you will become more aligned with how you bring your values to leadership and how you can use this to be successful.
Coaching for Career Transitions
She Knows shiFt!
If you are ready to successfully navigate your next career transition, I provide the knowledge and skills around how to shiFt into the position you desire! There is an art and a science to career transitions and it is my passion to assist you through Executive Coaching. I want to make sure that you feel comfortable being in charge of your next shiFt!
If you would like further evidence as to the benefits of coaching, please feel free to click on the following links!
Effect of a Professional Coaching Intervention on the Well-being and Distress of Physicians
Coaching for primary care physician well-being: A randomized trial and follow-up analysis.