In any career transition, whether it be up, for example a promotion, over to another organization or into another career, or out through retirement, there are many things to think about. Pre-shift is a time of learning and self-reflection. You need to know what your values are and that they align with the culture and behaviors of your organization. An important recognition for many women is that many organizations espouse remarkable values and broadcast them widely through their website, newsletters, and other communication channels. However, culture is not lived through espoused values; it is lived through everyday behaviors. This is often where the misalignment happens – between your values and the behaviors and culture of the organization.
In episode three, I speak about Barbara, a 27 year-old lawyer whom I have worked with as a coaching client for several years. The misalignment between her values and the behaviors and culture of the organization led her to believe that she was not fit for the practice of law. It is hard to believe that it could get to the point where she has discounted years of training and is thinking about leaving the profession! Perhaps you have been there too. I know I have certainly been there many times over the years! When you live in a space where your values align with what you are doing and those you are doing it with, you barely notice our values. However, when we find ourselves in a situation where there is misalignment, it is almost all we notice. Often, it is the exclusion to everything else, including the work around how we can be successful in our careers.
Even if you are not considering a shiFt, this is important work and I would argue you should always be in a state of pre-shiFt or thinking about your next important transition – nothing stays the same!
I have coached many successful women in their career transitions or shiFts. Be sure to subscribe to the She Knows shiFt podcast so you never miss an important episode!
Listen to Episode Three: Do your values align with the culture of your organization? now!
Don’t miss the last episodes on the She Knowns ShiFt podcast:
- She Knows ShiFt Podcast Episode Eleven – Defining the Wall your Ladder is Against and Musings about the Great Resignation with Dr. Sharon Hull
- She Knows ShiFt Podcast Episode Ten – Play to your Strengths and Surround Yourself with Talented People who Can Close the Deal! With Shelley Kuipers
- She Knows ShiFt Podcast Episode Nine – The Scary Direction of your Authentic Self! With Sandi Somers
- She Knows ShiFt Podcast Episode Eight – You are not your CV! with Dr. Susan Brien
- She Knows ShiFt Podcast Episode Seven – Defining your Personal Brand with Dr. Elizabeth Cannon